More Fabrication Scripting Updates

Autodesk Fabrication Scripting resources have had a few updates more updates. Believe it or not, the 22 ADD/REMOVE functions that apply to ITM Product Lists have been on my “Undocumented Functions To Research” list for over a decade. I’ve finally gotten around to figuring out how they work and documenting. Here’s a summary of the changes…

  • Global Miscellaneous Functions
    • Added ERROR function
  • Item Function Reference
    • Added function ADDALIAS()
    • Added function ADDAREA()
    • Added function ADDBOUGHTOUT()
    • Added function ADDCADBLOCK()
    • Added function ADDCUSTOMDATA()
    • Added function ADDDATABASEID()
    • Added function ADDDIM()
    • Added function ADDFLOW()
    • Added function ADDOPTION()
    • Added function ADDORDER()
    • Added function ADDWEIGHT()
    • Added function REMOVEALIAS()
    • Added function REMOVEAREA()
    • Added function REMOVEBOUGHTOUT()
    • Added function REMOVECADBLOCK()
    • Added function REMOVECUSTOMDATA()
    • Added function REMOVEDATABASEID()
    • Added function REMOVEDIM()
    • Added function REMOVEFLOW()
    • Added function REMOVEOPTION()
    • Added function REMOVEORDER()
    • Added function REMOVEWEIGHT()
    • Added function SETDONOTCUTFLAG()
    • Added function ADDLINK()
    • Added function DELETELINK()
  • File Object Function Reference
    • Added function SEEKENTRY()
    • Added function SEEKLINE()

Fabrication Scripting Updates

Autodesk Fabrication Scripting resources have had a few updates. Here’s a summary of the changes…

COD Script Updates – 2020.07.08

I’ve made a couple updates to the Autodesk Fabrication script libraries. If you use them, you can download updated versions from here.

Scripts have been updated to include the Connector Material property found on CID/Patterns 522, 1522 & 2512 as shown below…

This property is intended to be used by a connector to specify a alternate material the connector can connect to. This allows a coupling to connect to alternate materials such as with transition couplings.

Credit for discovering the COD function to extract this property goes to Liz Fong at MacDonald Miller Facility Solutions in Seattle, WA.

Note: This property has also been added to the list of COD Item Properties located here.

Scripts Updated

  • Debug Scripts
    • Debug ITEM Connectors.cod
  • Job Item Scripts
    • WriteAllConnectors (Job).cod
    • WriteAll_Props (Job).cod
  • Library Item Scripts
    • WriteAllConnectors (Library).cod
    • WriteAll_Props (Library).cod

COD Scripting Resources Updated

I have updated the Autodesk Fabrication COD Scripting resources. Resources have also been reorganized. Everything is still there but you may have to navigate to it differently.

Most of the updates are additions to the COD Scripting reference. They now include all the information that was in my Advanced Scripting sessions at MEP Force and Autodesk University.

A complete list of all COD Scripting resources can be found here. The COD Language reference is a complete list of all properties, functions, operators, keywords, and anything else scripting that I’m aware of. Everything I know about COD Scripting both documented and undocumented is located here. If you notice properties or functions in COD scripts of yours or from others that is not listed here, please let me know. I’d love to add anything new you find.

Here’s a list of the changes…

COD Script Updates – 2019.11.10

I’ve made a couple updates to the Autodesk Fabrication script libraries. If you use them, you can download updated versions from here.

Scripts Updated

  • Job Items
    • All Scripts updated to now include the Item Number which makes it easier to track back report entries to ITM’s in your job.
    • Fix a couple syntax issues in a few scripts which caused errors.
  • Revit Support Report
    • Added Reporting on Revit 2020 status
    • Changed CID/Pattern # 1175 from NO to YES.

Known Issues

End Location properties appear to be crashing 2020.1 Versions of Fabrication. Other versions may/may not crash as well.

DOS – Still Relevant

Not only is DOS still relevant, its often one of the quickest ways to get some things done.

On, someone recently asked how to get the system Date and Time in an Autodesk Fabrication COD script. I provided a solution that uses DOS commands inside a COD script. That solution is explained in more detail here.

DOS’s “Date” Command

Using DOS, we can use the “DATE” command with the “/T” Switch to output the current date to a DOS prompt.

The information given by this simple command is all we need. A script can easily read the data if the output is redirected to a data file.

We’ll get a little more ambitious and get particular on the formatting. We’ll remove the “Tue” and format the date in the format “”.

To do this, we can use the “FOR” command in DOS.

for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %A in ('date /T') do echo %C.%A.%B

The Red circled area is the command. It takes the data from the Date command and breaks it apart by the delimiters (DELIMS) which is spaces ( ), forward slashes (/) and dashes (-). You’ll note that the Date doesn’t actually contain any dashes so it’s just ignored.

The TOKENS specifies we want the 2nd thru 4th items of data. They will be assigned sequentially to variables starting with “%A”. The Green circled area is the resulting output ECHO’d to the DOS Window in the format we want.

  • %A = 2nd piece of data (month)
  • %B = 3rd piece of data (day)
  • %C = 4th piece of data (year)

Sending Data to a File

Now that have our DOS command, the next step is to send the output to a file on disk. Doing this will allow the COD script to read it back later.

For this purpose, we use a re-director to pump the data to a file. We simply append a suffix like this…

for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %A in ('date /T') do echo %C.%A.%B>"C:\Temp\COD Data.Txt"

A few notes about redirecting data to a file….

  1. We use double quotes around the file path and name in case it contains spaces. This way, DOS doesn’t interpret the space as a separator between commands.
  2. The Greater-Than (>) symbol is used to redirect output to a file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
  3. Double Greater-Than (>>) symbols can be used to “append” to the end of an existing file. This is handy if you want to add more data to the same file. If the file doesn’t already exist, it will be created.

We Have DOS, Now for the COD Script

Now that we have our DOS syntax down, we can start writing out COD Script. To start, I typically generate a few variables that help me format things.

REM ------------------------------
REM DQ = Double Quote Character
REM CR = Carriage Return Character
REM ST = Single Tab Character
REM WF = Working File
REM ------------------------------

DIM DQ = ascii(34)
DIM CR = ascii(10)
DIM ST = ascii(9)
DIM WF = "C:\Temp\COD Data.Txt"

Because some of our syntax contains double quotes, and because strings (text) in a COD script also contain double quotes, having multiple double quotes in a row can be confusing. Additionally, sometimes the script has trouble understanding where one string ends vs what’s a string containing a double quote.

To handle this, I set a variable (DQ) that will represent any double quote within a COD Script string. I also use a Carriage Return (CR) variable and a Single Tab (ST) variable for formatting purposes that you’ll see later.

Lastly, I also set a variable for the data file. It’s at the beginning, it’s easy to find and change without having to get in the middle of a lot of confusing formatted string data later.

Executing DOS From the Script

To execute an external command from a script, we can use the EXEC function.

EXEC(<“command”>, <execution mode>, <“command data/arguments”>)

Here’s the 3 pieces of data we’ll need…

  1. <command> = “CMD.EXE”
    This is the DOS Command Interpreter
  2. <execution mode> = exec_wait + exec_show_min
    These are a couple variables that tell the external program to “Wait” until finished before proceeding with the rest of the script and to minimize the Window.
  3. <command/arguments> = The Prior DOS Syntax (with modifications) goes here.

The CMD.EXE program takes an argument of “/C” followed by the command it’s going to execute which is our DOS Syntax. Pay close attention, because here’s where we’re going to have to break up the DOS commands and embed our variables for the embedded double quotes.

The below is a single “String” with double quotes on each end. It also has a lot of double quotes inside the text which will confuse you and your script. This below syntax is WRONG and needs to be corrected….

"/C for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %A in ('date /T') do echo %C.%A.%B>"C:\Temp\COD Data.Txt""

To do this, it’s easier to illustrate in color. We’re going to take one very long complicated string, and break it into several smaller strings when there’s double quotes within the string.

That is, where ever there’s a double quote within the string, we’re going to make a smaller string before and after, and piece them back together and use our DQ variable to embed the double quote between them.

This works for the first two double quotes. But at the end of the string, we’re going to do something a little different. Here, we want to remove file name and use the WF variable we set earlier to store the file name. And because the filename may have a path, we surround it with DQ variables to embed it in double quotes.

The next piece of code should look like this when we’re done. This will run our DOS command and dump the date to a file,

REM ---------------------
REM Get Date (
REM ---------------------

Exec("cmd.exe", exec_wait + exec_show_min, "/C for /F " + DQ + "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " + DQ + " %A in ('date /T') do echo %C.%A.%B>" + DQ + WF + DQ

Reading Our Data File

Now that we’ve dumped the data file to disk, we can read it back in from the COD script using the following code…

DIM myDate
Object myFile as File (WF, forinput+istext)
myDate = myFile.Readline()

This code opens the file and reads its data and saves it to a variable. You’ll also note that this code doesn’t add extra double quotes around the WF “Working File” variable. That’s because they aren’t needed here, and will in fact cause problems. The COD Script language is actually better at handling files with and without spaces because it uses a comma (,) as it’s data separator between the file name and file read modes.

Displaying Our Data

Last, we can display the data in a simple debug dialog. Here, you’ll see I make use of the ST variable to place a single tab between the data purely for formatting purposes.

Debug "Date:" + ST + myDate

The Bigger Picture

The following code takes all the above principals and goes a little further. With everything you’ve learned, you should be able to figure out what it’s doing and how. It’s doing all the same things plus a little extra…

  1. Also writing TIME and the USERNAME of the currently logged in Windows User to the data file.
  2. It’s “Appending” the TIME and USERNAME using “>>” instead of “>” that DATE uses.
  3. It’s reading 3 lines of our data file
  4. The data file is deleted after it’s read leaving our system clean of temporary files.
  5. The data is displayed by also using the CR (Carriage Return) variable to start new lines for the additional pieces of data.
REM ------------------------------
REM DQ = Double Quote Character
REM CR = Carriage Return Character
REM ST = Single Tab Character
REM WF = Working File
REM ------------------------------

DIM DQ = ascii(34)
DIM CR = ascii(10)
DIM ST = ascii(9)
DIM WF = "C:\Temp\COD Data.Txt"

REM ---------------------
REM Get Date (
REM Get Time (hh:mm)
REM Get User (login name)
REM ---------------------

Exec("cmd.exe", exec_wait + exec_show_min, "/C for /F " + DQ + "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " + DQ + " %A in ('date /T') do echo %C.%A.%B>" + DQ + WF + DQ)
Exec("cmd.exe", exec_wait + exec_show_min, "/C for /F " + DQ + "tokens=1-2 delims=: " + DQ + " %A in ('time /T') do echo %A:%B>>" + DQ + WF + DQ)
Exec("cmd.exe", exec_wait + exec_show_min, "/C echo %username%>>" + DQ + WF + DQ)

REM ---------
REM Read Data
REM ---------

DIM myDate
DIM myTime
DIM myUser

Object myFile as File (WF, forinput+istext)

myDate = myFile.Readline()
myTime = myFile.Readline()
myUser = myFile.Readline()

REM ----------------
REM Delete Data File
REM ----------------
Exec("cmd.exe", exec_default + exec_show_min, "/C DEL " + DQ + WF + DQ)

REM ------------
REM Display Data
REM ------------

Debug "Date:" + ST + myDate + CR + "Time:" + ST + mytime + CR + "User:" + ST + myUser

Whole program can be downloaded here…

COD Script Updates – Part 2

I didn’t plan up updating scripts again so soon but I found a couple more undocumented properties. I thought I’d post them sooner rather than later.

The two ITM properties I found are “BOX” and “E-Tag“.

BOX is only visible from CAMduct. It’s intended purpose appears to be for specifying a “Box” for the ITM in question for shipping purposes but you could use it or anything. Despite it being visible only in CAMduct, using COD Scripts, you can read and write it from ESTmep or CADmep too.

E-TAG is visible from any of the Fabrication products. It’s used for Equipment Tags. You can see both properties from here if in CAMduct or only E-Tag is ESTmep or CADmep.

Scripts Updated

  • All Debug Scripts – Nothing major, just formatting in the comments section.
  • WriteAll_Props (Job).cod – Updated to support BOX & E-TAG properties.
  • WriteAll_Props (Library).cod – Updated to support BOX & E-TAG properties.

Scripts Added

  • Debug ITEM Box.cod
  • Debug ITEM E-Tag.cod
  • WriteAllBox (Job).cod
  • WriteAllETag (Job).cod
  • WriteAllBox (Library).cod
  • WriteAllETag (Library).cod

You can download the *current* versions here.

Scripting property reference has also been updated here.

COD Script Updates

I’ve made a couple updates to the Autodesk Fabrication script libraries. If you use them, you can download updated versions from here.

Scripts Updated

  • Debug
    • Debug ITEM Library.cod
    • Debug ITEM Sealant.cod
  • Job Items
    • WriteAllLibrary (Job).cod
    • WriteAllSealant (Job).cod
    • WriteAll_Props (Job).cod
  • Library Items
    • WriteAllLibraries (Library).cod
    • WriteAllSealant (Library).cod
    • WriteAll_Props (Library).cod

Issues Corrected

Issue 1: Scripts accessing the “Library” property were failing on CID/Pattern 2199. Scripts have been updated to watch for this and report it as an ‘Unknown‘ Library.

Issue 2: Some CID/Patterns can be configured to be pipework or duct work depending on the “Pipework” option’s “Yes/No” status. Scripts were updated to properly report or ignore this property depending on the Sealant value being present.

If the option is set to “Yes“, the pattern is a pipework item. If set to “No”, the pattern is a sheet metal item. Sheet metal items contain the “Sealant” property where as Pipework items do not.

This condition is present in the following CID/Patterns…

149838 902110112381239

Special thanks to Kyle Speropoulos of MMC Contractors in Kansas City for alerting me to this issue.

COD Scripting References Added

Under the resources menu for Autodesk Fabrication, the COD Scripting section has been updated. This now points to another sub-menu of additional COD Scripting reference information.

The link to the COD scripting libraries has also moved one level deeper so if you have a bookmark and it comes up blank, you many need to re-link it.

I still have more information to add that I’ve not previously documented. These are more advanced functions or other undocumented functions. I’ll post notices as I update them.

You can find the additional COD Scripting information compiled here. Direct links to all the scripting reference information is below…