Revit Fabrication Services – Search
About a year ago, I posted one of my #StupidAutodesk posts on LinkedIn. I highlighted Autodesk’s lack of a search box or groups in the Services list for Fabrication Services. You can read that post here.
Well, Martin Magallanes Jr has stepped up to the plate to help out. Despite the horsepower behind a +$5.5 Billion software giant, a single guy fixes what Autodesk can’t seem to do. He’s released a free Revit Add-In that upgrades Revit’s existing Fabrication Services dialog. Here’s the link if you want to give it a try. It works with Revit versions 2021 thru 2025.
1: Search
The biggest benefit to this AddIn is to add “Search” capabilities to the Settings. You can search in the following areas…
- Unloaded Services
- Loaded Services
- Unloaded Part Folders
- Unloaded Part ITM Names
This allows you to quickly filter the list of services to certain groups or a smaller list of services in a much longer list. It does not let you search Loaded Parts but that’s good thing. You shouldn’t be loading a lot of loose parts outside of a service.

2: Load All / Remove All Filtered
Another nice enhancement is adding a second set of Add/Remove buttons that Add/Remove ALL the services matching the filter. You can see on the left image, you can easily select all the services in the Electrical group.

3: Resizable List
Another nice enhancement is the ability to resize the Service list. While it doesn’t really show well in this example using Autodesk’s Fabrication Configuration, in many production Fabrication Configurations (mine included) service Groups and Names can and are much longer. This ability to resize the list if going to be very helpful vs Autodesk’s horizontal scrolling when the names are long.

4: Reload on Open
Another little nice option is the “Reload on Open” setting. Toggle this on and the next time you go to the Settings dialog it will automatically reload the database. Toggle this and the Fabrication Configuration will be loaded automatically the next time you open the dialog.