2022.0.2 (Build / Core 22.02.008)

  • Data Output
    • Fixed an issue with the Browse for Folder button when exporting item data fields with certain user permissions.
  • Estimating
    • Fixed an issue with support quantities not updating on straights when changing the length.
  • Framework
    • Fixed an issue with the new job wizard and job browser not showing the projects folder.
    • Fixed an issue preventing jobs from saving to mapped drives.
    • Fixed an issue with exporting services which was displaying an error.
    • Fixed an issue with creating or importing profiles.
    • Fixed an issue preventing items from copying in the item folders.
    • Fixed an issue preventing nested sheets from being deleted after writing the NC file.

2022.0.1 (Build / Core 22.02.005)

  •  API
    • Added the ability to specify the dictionary language via the API.
  • Data Output
    • Fixed an issue with custom data failing to populate on supports.
    • Fixed an issue preventing ASCII text jobs from exporting.
    • Fixed an issue with the custom NC which was failing to write to the NC file.
    • Fixed an issue with unexpected connector duplication when using the strict database reading and conversion setting.
  • Database
    • Added several missed parameters from the insulation material specifications.
    • Fixed an issue with the material on seams not updating after editing the configuration.
    • Fixed an issue with missing job contents data when using the group-by feature.
  • Framework
    • Fixed an issue where the configuration list was not populating in FABreview.
    • Fixed an issue where CADmep wasn’t starting a new drawing when launched from the desktop shortcut.
    • Improved support for long path network configurations.
  • Installer
    • Fixed an issue where the splash screen for FABreview wasn’t showing up properly.
  • Interoperability
    • Fixed an issue with exporting IFC files which could have unexpected results when imported into other applications.
  • Manufacturing
    • Fixed an issue with material assignments to Opus parts.
  • Other
    • Fixed the issue where the label/worksheet setting for “Auto Adjust Printer Settings to Fit” wasn’t sizing paper on OKIDATA printers.
  • Pattern
    • Fixed an issue with pattern 1129 which had bad developments when using the 2xL database length setting.
    • Fixed an issue where the angle parameter was disabled for CID 526.
  • Scripting
    • Fixed an issue with changing materials using a script.
  • Usability
    • Fixed a stability issue when editing a sub-assembly and using the color by job option.
    • Fixed a stability issue when using the ADDREPORT command.
    • Fixed an issue with user profiles not showing up in the Configure Users application.
    • Fixed an issue with existing parts extending when using the fill between 2 ends tool.
    • Fixed a stability issue when using the fill between 2 ends tool and right-clicking to select a fitting.
    • Fixed a persistence issue with the supports and insulation radio buttons in the service setup.