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Bug Fixes – Fabrication CAMduct 2016
Service Pack 5 (Build 3.04.1100)
- Improves V-Notch position for non S&D connectors.
- Improves custom NC nesting to read current material code.
- Improves the Auto Oversize feature to limit the number of required sheets which can could lead out of memory issues.
- Improves Dynamic Holes visibility when attaching a fitting to a straight duct.
- Improves stability when using quick takeoff for sub-assemblies that contain opus parts.
- Improves the connector hole positions when adding holes to parts.
- Enhances stitch operation to be more efficient by avoiding tool deselection and re-selection.
Service Pack 4 (Build 3.04.1080) * Withdrawn – Updates in SP5
- Improves Zoom direction when viewing NC and using the mouse scroll wheel.
- Improves stability when processing BIR files in the background.
- Improves printer configuration for Labels when using Print Preview.
- Improves stability when adding stitches on machines using Windows version 8.1 and 10.
- Improves the order that straight labels are printed so that they match the order in the decoiler output file.
- Improves stability when executing scripts which alter tabulated data which is linked to pattern dimensions.
- Improves Stability when importing imperial services.
- Improves stability when editing a sheet in the Remnant Editor when Rulers are enabled.
- Improves the NC output to pierce holes when the hole diameter is less than the specified value in Tool Settings.
- Improves handling of notches associated with ‘Slip and Drive’ connectors on rectangular straight duct items when 2, 3 or 4 sides of the straight are combined in one developed part.
- Improves the behavior of the Automatic Nesting shortcut command (ctrl-F5) when used multiple times.
- Improves the Import DXFâ„¢ feature behavior when assigning tools to an individual layer.
- Improves label text so that changes to dimension style are now obeyed.
- Improves support for proprietary pipework reducer items (CID 2051) with a slope length of less than 0.1-inch.
- Improves branch connectors on pattern 358 when the Double Wall setting is Active.
- Improves Multi-service Hanger Takeoff orientation on sloped piping.
- Improves how couplings are inserted when using the Multi Point Fill feature in a pipe service with risers.
Service Pack 3 (Build 3.04.1040)
- The kerf adjustment feature (Machine Editor dialogNC SettingsApply Kerf) has been improved to produce expected adjustments\results near island start and end points.
- The display of the Linear Nesting dialog when accessed by clicking UtilitiesLinear NestingLinear Nest has been improved.
- Notch options on oversize seams have been improved to produce expected results.
- Improved stability when displaying the Installed Machines dialog that references a post processor .VPL filename that has been changed.
- Improved stability when launching the application with no Add-ins installed.
- Improved connector (SKEY code) assignment details on elbows when exporting to a PCF file.
- Improved IOWA Decoiler output when the Straight Type is set to U+I.
- Improved behavior of Double Wall and Inside\Outside options in insulation specifications.
- When new Design Line Templates are created, they are now immediately displayed within a service.
- Improved the display of Design Line elevation history units.
- When entering text using the Notes field on the Takeoff dialog, the text auto-complete behavior has been improved to more accurately reflect the text being typed in by the user.
- Improved the ability to multi-select ancillaries.
- Improved Subassemblies behavior when merging jobs.
- Improved stability when nesting oversize elbows.
- CID 518 – The visibility of the exhaust fan symbols has been improved.
- CID’s 114, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 580, 831, 889 – Improved Insulation to be central from branch.
Service Pack 2 (Build 3.04.988)
- Improved usability when displaying Processes menu when the process list contains a large amount of entries.
- Improved stability when writing NC for small circles.
- Improved NFP Nesting by utilizing fewer sheets.
- Stability improvement made to Write NC when using legacy Post Processors.
- In Machine\Tool Setup, you can now move to Tool Setup items freely between Globals and Details.
- Improved scripting filename method to handle multiple points in the item filename.
- Stability and usability improvement made to NFP Nesting so parts are placed within the sheet.
Service Pack 1 (Build 3.04.966)
- CIDs 7, 417, 947 – Enhanced dimensional accuracy on when using connector straight adjusts with the Top Extension.
- CID 104 – Enhanced so that the 3D model length
- CID 397 – Improved stability when developing holes.
- CID 996 – Improved reporting of End Size.
- CID 1112 – Improved sheet metal developments when the part is lined or lagged.
- Improved swage connector visibility on round and oval fittings with a swage length of less than 1 inch.
- Improved usability when loading the Database to prevent the toggle of Units setting (Imperial or Metric).
- Improved usability of the View NC window when a job is closed. The View NC window now closes automatically when a job is closed.
- Improved usability when displaying processes menu when the process list contains a large amount of entries.
- Improved stability when exporting 3D models to DWFâ„¢ and DWFx formats.
- Stability & Usability improvement made to NFP Nesting so parts are placed within the sheet.
- Improved Multiple Item Properties to select inside insulation for ductwork.
- Improved usability of Fabrication and Installation Times Tables when importing from legacy .mtt files
- When modifying the NC output for a post processor, the version information value can now be changed to a value other than A00.
- Improved remark suppression when writing NC with a custom machine.
- Enhanced the Mitsubishi Post Processor.
- Improved the behavior when setting up multiple decoilers. You can now save\write the decoiler file name with the drawing name and extension.
- Improved Parts Positioning from NC output.
- Enhanced Lovent Decoiler Post Processor.