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Bug Fixes – Fabrication CAMduct 2015
Service Pack 7 (Build 3.03.1264)
- Improves V-Notch position for non S&D connectors.
- Improves the connector hole positions when adding holes to parts.
Service Pack 6 (Build 3.03.1258)
- Improves DXF import so that changes to Tool assignments are applied as expected.
- Improves the Profile feature so that valid and expected paths are created when using Copy All.
- Improves Design Line rotation when placing an inline item, such as a valve or vav, so that the node is set to “Default”.
- Improves stability when importing imperial services.
- Automatic Nesting now supports using the CTRL+F5 shortcut command multiple times.
- Improves application of notches associated with Slide and Drive connectors on rectangular straight duct items when
- 2,3 or 4 sides of the straight are combined in one developed part.
- Improves Airturn Vane lengths when previewing labels.
- Nesting accuracy has been improved to prevent overlapping parts.
- Label text has been improved to respond as expected to dimension style changes.
- Sheet creation has been improved to require selection of a material when creating a sheet.
Service Pack 5 (Build 3.03.1238)
- Improved stability when nesting oversize elbows.
- Improved combo-box usability to reflect user input.
- Enhanced IOWA Decoiler output when the Straight Type is set to U+I.
- Improved stability of kerf adjustments near island start and end points
- Improved stability when writing NC for small circles.
- Improved NFP Nesting by utilizing less sheets.
- Improved usability of original Lovent decoiler post processor with standard configuration names eg. Metric V7.03 /z
- Imperial V3.03
- The Novako post processor has been enhanced to produce NC output that can be accepted by Jorg machines.
- Improved the display of swage connectors when the swage length value is less than 1 but greater than zero.
- CIDs 7, 417, 947 – Enhanced dimensional accuracy when using connector straight adjusts with the Top Extension.
- CID 104 – The 3D model length is now consistent with that of CID 8.
- CIDs 114, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 580, 831, 889 – Improved Insulation to be central from branch.
- CID 397 – Improved stability when developing holes.
- CID 518 – The visibility of the exhaust fan symbols has been improved.
- CID 996 – Improved reporting of C2 end size.
- CID 1112 – Improved sheet metal developments when the part is lined or lagged.
- CID 2873 – Improved reporting out size Annotation.
Service Pack 4 (Build 3.03.1164)
- CID 838 – Improved placement of Profile bearer when configured with -ve left or right angled bearer.
- Improved stability when using compact database with services that have specifications or Insulation specifications assigned.
Service Pack 3 (Build 3.03.1162)
- CID 838 – Improvement made to the elevation when taking off hangers when the Oversize Item is set to yes.
- CID 62 – Improved insulation so that it is central on the branch.
- CID 311 – Improved insulation so that it is central on the branch.
- CID 379 – Improved insulation so that it is central on the branches.
- CID 832 – Improved insulation so that it is central on the branches.
- CID 886 – Improved insulation so that it is central on the branch.
- CID 7 – Improved connector size for the C2 end.
- CID 1115 – Improved conical branch to be configured straight.
- Improved Stability when accessing Sheet Management.
- Improved stability when print previewing Straight Labels.
- Improved stability to Nesting when Auto stitching.
- Improved stability when importing a DXFâ„¢ file with no developments.
- Improved Sheet numbering of Rotary Nests.
- Enhancement made to the Ancillaries dialog usability when using the tab key.
- Enhancement made to the Connectors dialog usability when using the menu key.
- Enhanced Amada Post Processor to include Gemini Shuttle table swap in the NC code.
- Enabled Fabrication users to cut nested insulation parts on a MultiCAM machine.
- Enhancement made to AXYZ Post Processor which Improves tool select code for conical router tool used for seams and grooves.
Service Pack 2 (Build 3.03.1122)
- CID 101 – Improved Imperial dimensions.
- CID 1142 – Improved Development.
- CID 1148 – Improved holes on Development.
- CID 17 – Improved Gasket allowance when Double Wall is enabled.
- CID 2524 – Stability improvement made when opening job.
- CID 2965 – Improved connector positions when using Offset Reducers & geometry when insulated.
- CID 378 – Improved Developments.
- CID 4 – Improved connector straight allowance for extensions.
- CID 4 – Improved Gasket allowance when Double Wall is enabled.
- CID 875 – Improved Developments.
- CID 952 – Improved Developments.
- CID 965 – Improved connector positions when using Offset Reducers & geometry when insulated.
- Improved Fabrication items by allowing functions to be used in calculated dims.
- Improvement made to seams when developed as they were disappearing on Grille Box patterns.
- Improved usability when removing holes along with seams for straight duct patterns.
- Improved Rectangular Straight Adjusts for Taps
- Enhanced Fabrication & Install rates associated with owned connectors to be editable.
- Improved Activity log behavior when outputting NC.
- Stability improvement made to temporary database settings.
- Improved stability for Insulation Developments.
- Improved usability when removing Top Fixings Structure types.
- Stability improved for multiple tools support.
- Improved stability when accessing the connector database when it contains no entries.
- Improved Jubilee Autofold download message.
- Improved Dynamic Holes Developments.
- Improvement made to Export Items Data when reporting out Square to Round Offset Depth.
- Improved scripting for owned content.
- Improved stability to Product Information Viewer.
- Stability improved for connector node tool tip annotation.
- Enhanced SetText Lisp method so that it does not add data to objects without Custom Text entries.
- Enhanced Site Difficulty Factor to view Print Objects.
- Stability improvement made when using Print Preview in Item Reports.
- Improved Insulation data output for reports.
- Improvements made for printing Stiffener Breakpoints.
- Improvement made to TURBODBGEN Post Processor to support updated controller.
- Improvement made to Sente Makina Post Processor.
- Improved Dyna Torch Post Processor to optionally include Block Numbers.
- Enhanced SenteGen Post Processor.
- Improvements made to Savagnini Post Processor.
- Added Mazak L32 Post Processor.
- Improvement made to MachMotion Post Processor.
- Improvements made to Salvagnini Post Processor.
- Improvement made to AXYZ Post Processor so you can set the height after tool is selection.
- Added Schneider Post Processor.
- Added SENTEDB1GEN Post processor for Sente Makina Duct board machine.
Service Pack 1 (Build 3.03.1032)
- CID 535 – Improved Draw Type Options.
- CID 4 – Improved insulation.
- Stability improvement made when removing holes from straight ducts.
- Stability improvement made when loading jobs with dampers.
- Improved Dynamic Holes Development.
- Improved Job Info to increment the number when creating a new job after Batch Process.
- Improvement made to migration of legacy install where all folders were not being copied over.
- Improvements made to Dynamic Holes when branches are mirrored.
- Stability improvement made to Path Repair Tool.
- Stability improvement made to Strip Nesting.
- Stability improvement made when downloading content.
- Stability improvement made when merging job results using Autodesk Fabrication Cloud Nesting.
- Stability improvements made to Sheet Sectional Processing when used for moving bed machines.
- Improved Layer Mapping DXF Export to be set up for each tool.
- Improvement made to Editmap.exe for option to save EST tables, previously the setting was not being remembered.
- Improved stability when adding reports that have pressure drop & velocity fields for calculations.
- CID 1127 – Improved Collar development.
- CID 8 – Improved Collar development.
- Improvement made to TURBODBGEN Post Processor to support updated controller.
- Improvement made to Amada Post Processor for stitched holes.
- Improvements made to Sente Makina Post Processor.
- Optimised cutting path for double paths knife tools.