2024.0.3 (Build / Core 24.10.005)

  • Database
    • Fixed an issue where overlay font settings were not persisting in the nest print layout section.
    • Fixed the persistence of the default length setting when importing specifications into new profiles or other configurations.
  • Framework
    • Fixed an issue so that version warnings display when using OPENJOB in CADmep or e-linking jobs in ESTmep that were saved in newer versions.
  • Pattern
    • Fixed an issue on shape change pattern 8 to ensure added hole position and shape match configured dimensions.
    • Fixed an issue to ensure material gauge displays correctly with the new material framework.
    • Fixed an issue to prevent notches from removing more material than expected.
  • Usability
    • Fixed an issue to improve stability when importing or cropping underlaid PDFs or DXFs.
  • Other
    • Improved security for known vulnerabilities.

2024.0.2 (Build / Core 24.10.004)

  •  API
    • Fixed an issue in the API to improve performance when using WidthOrDepth and Depth properties and accessing AncillaryUsage.
    • Fixed an issue to improve stability when calling itm.update() on a sub-assembly in the API.
  • Framework
    • Fixed an issue to improve stability while changing profiles when the profile contains a corrupt service.map file as a result of file compression.
  • Security
    • The hotfix contains essential security patches. An update for impacted versions is highly recommended.

2024.0.1 (Build / Core 24.10.002)

  • API
    • Fixed an issue in the Fabrication API which caused the Autodesk.Fabrication.Splitter.Sizes to be null.
  • Data Output
    • Added the ability to output GUIDs on labels, reports and worksheets.
    • Fixed an issue with the straight pattern overrides so the straight settings match the cut type.
  • Database
    • Added a warning when opening jobs in previous versions which could lead to data loss.
  • Framework
    • Fixed a stability issue when viewing NC data with the installed machines dialog open.
  • Licensing
    • Fixed an issue with the manage license dialog to maintain focus so mouse clicks are correctly registered.
  • Manufacturing
    • Fixed an issue when nesting segmented elbows to prevent nested panels from overlapping.
  • Pattern
    • Fixed an issue with the rectangular radius bend patterns to stop the back wrapper from clipping when using non 90 degree seam angles.
    • Fixed an issue to improve the seam developments when using a custom notch for the “Notch for Connector Split” setting in the notch section of the pattern options.
    • Improved the assignment of male and female notches when using slip and drive connectors on pattern 8.
    • Fixed an issue with the rectangular taper patterns so that the seam is notched out fully when configured to do so in the notch settings.
    • Fixed an issue to improve the square to round patterns (8,28,34 and 450). This develops correctly when using a negative seam on S1 and either a non corner seam position, or the width and depth offsets are configured as center.

2024.0.0 (Build / Core 24.09.006)

Issues Resolved
  • API
    • Fixed an issue with the minimum and maximum integer class option in the API so the value can now be correctly set between 1 and 3.
  • Data Output
    • Fixed an issue with the Blank Object parameter to restore the data tab so the description can be changed.
  • Database
    • Fixed an issue preventing rigid type insulation materials from being used in insulation specifications.
    • Fixed an issue with the option to “remember this next time” when making a configuration the default selection.
    • Fixed an issue with fabrication data being continually added to the database when editing certain parts.
  • Estimating
    • Fixed an issue with bearer rod lengths so that they are reported correctly when configured as “per total item.”
    • Fixed an issue so that bolt quantities are consistent between reports and cost breakdown.
    • Fixed an issue when stretching rectangular duct straights so that data displays as expected on the newly added straights.
  • Framework
    • Fixed an issue in which the part cache failed to populate custom data correctly.
    • Fixed an issue with allowing multiple instances of the console window that could result in poor stability.
    • Fixed an issue in the Database > Takeoff > Current Values section to correctly display material gauges.
  • Pattern
    • Fixed an issue with stiffener rod fixing holes moving unexpectedly as a result of connector straight behavior.
    • Fixed an issue with the rectangular bend fitting which could display unexpected extension warnings when the length matched the connector’s straight property value.
    • Changed the behavior of the connector straight adjust on patterns 7 and 417 so the development matches how the part looks.
    • Fixed an issue on pattern 9 to trim insulation more accurately.
    • Fixed an issue with pattern 1126 which could result in poor stability with certain insulation settings.
    • Fixed an issue with pattern 42 which generated invalid geometry when the branch was shorter that the insulation thickness.
    • Fixed an issue with lined round fittings using inside dimension entry and auto extension length so the liner length is the same as the fitting length.
    • Fixed an issue with pattern 17 so that holes are offset the correct distance from the C1 connector when the bend angle is not 90 degrees.
    • Increased the limit of the length adjust value on rectangular radius bends in the metric configurations to 254mm.
    • Fixed an issue with pattern 28 so that the development matches the model when using connector straight property values.
    • Fixed an issue on patterns 61 & 83 to develop double v marker notches correctly.
    • Fixed an issue with database notch angles so the setting is obeyed by patterns.
    • Fixed an issue with the dynamic hole feature to prevent holes from being lost.
    • Fixed an issue on patterns 430 & 431 so that warnings do not incorrectly display when the extension is equal to the connector straight property value.
  • Usability
    • Fixed an issue that caused utility bar customization to be lost after restarting the application.
    • Fixed an issue with column headers vanishing when using the group by feature in the job contents view.
    • Fixed an issue when importing services multiple times which would fail to import .itm data after the initial import.
    • Fixed an issue with sub-assemblies failing to expand in the job contents view when using the group by feature.
    • Fixed an issue with focus being lost in the dimension list when taking-off parts in CAMduct.
    • Fixed an issue with part materials which could change unexpectedly after attaching parts of a different material.
    • Fixed an issue with menus and windows to prevent performance issues when closing.
  • API
    • Added the ability to set the ItemOption in the API.
  • Database
    • Added a round insulation material category and a Cut setting to allow control of nesting.
  • Framework
    • Added 64 bit support to enable loading large datasets.
    • Fixed an issue with the Airturns dialog which incorrectly shows the Min Length and Max Length options as Vane lengths.
  • Pattern
    • Improved the warning message when the connector’s straight property can’t be achieved on patterns 11 & 979.
    • Improved the validation logic for pattern 20 to prevent invalid geometry.
    • Improved rectangular flat pattern developments when applying a minimum length using the straight property value on connectors.
  • Usability
    • Improved the Utility bar to retain customizations when the application is restarted.