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Bug Fixes – Fabrication CADmep 2016
Service Pack 5 (Build 3.04.1100)
- Enhances area & weight calculations for V-Notches for non S&D connectors.
- Improves Dynamic Holes visibility when attaching a fitting to a straight duct.
- Improves ITM visibility when opening DWG’s in Trueview.
- Improves stability when Exporting PCF files.
- Improves the connector hole positions when adding holes to parts.
- Improves the design line copy feature to allow toggling after inserting at 0,0,0.
- Improves the open job feature by including parts which originated outside the original dwg.
Service Pack 4 (Build 3.04.1080) * Withdrawn – Updates Included in SP5
- Improves the placement of wall terminals using Design Line.
- Improves the placement of pipe in scenarios where o-lets (stab-ins) are present.
- Improves the pick accuracy when using fill tools (Flexfill, Fill2ends, Fillpoint, etc).
- Improves Design Line by placing new nodes at the default rotation instead of zero.
- Improves reporting of Imperial End Size dimensions in the AutoCAD® Properties Palette.
- Improves stability when importing Imperial services.
- Improves stability when prompted to select a configuration during Takeoff command or product launch.
- Improves the orientation of directional hangers when using Takeoff as Cut-in.
- Improves closing spooled drawings when “CLOSEDWG” is enabled in spool.ini
- Improves support for proprietary pipework reducer items (CID 2051) with a slope length of less than 0.1-inch.
- Improves branch connectors on pattern 358 when the Double Wall setting is Active.
- Improves Multi-service Hanger Takeoff orientation on sloped piping.
- Improves how couplings are inserted when using the Multi Point Fill feature in a pipe service with risers.
Service Pack 3 (Build 3.04.1040)
- Notch options on oversize seams have been improved to produce expected results.
- Improved connector (SKEY code) assignment details on elbows when exporting to a PCF file.
- Improved stability when exporting items with invalid services or specifications to a PCF file.
- Improved behavior of Double Wall and Inside\Outside options in insulation specifications.
- When new Design Line Templates are created, they are now immediately displayed within the service.
- Improved stability when opening drawings that contain SW oversize seams that refer to a RAW notch, which then refer to a SW oversize seam, resulting in an endless loop.
- Improved the display of Design Line elevation history units.
- Improved stability when executing scripts for subassembly items.
- When entering text using the Notes field on the Takeoff dialog, the text auto-complete behavior has been improved to more accurately reflect the text being typed in by the user.
- Improved the ability to multi-select ancillaries.
- Improved stability in using Multi Service Takeoff with Hangers when objects are pre-selected.
- Improved stability when using a Z Strap Hanger while using the Fix Relative option.
- CID 518 – The visibility of the exhaust fan symbols has been improved.
- CID’s 114, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 580, 831, 889 – Improved Insulation to be central from branch.
Service Pack 2 (Build 3.04.988)
- Improved spool item numbers annotation visibility to remain the same when spooling to a separate DWG.
- PCF Export has been improved to include weight data in the output.
- Improved the behavior of Design Line fills to obey line overrides.
- CID 2873 – Improved reporting out size Annotation.
- Improved stability when re-filling in Design Line.
- Improved scripting filename method to handle multiple points in the item filename.
- Improved load and save behavior on Design Line Elevation, Terminal and Offset History parameters so that drawing files now open in an acceptable length of time.
- Improved Match Properties feature to lock material gauge when changed.
- Improved visibility to CADmep Object data via DXF codes through AutoLISP
Service Pack 1 (Build 3.04.966)
- CIDs 7, 417, 947 – Enhanced dimensional accuracy on when using connector straight adjusts with the Top Extension.
- CID 104 – Improved so that the model length is consistent with that of CID 8.
- CID 397 – Improved stability when developing holes.
- CID 996 – Improved reporting of End Size.
- CID 1112 – Improved sheet metal developments when the part is lined or lagged.
- Improved swage connector visibility on round and oval fittings with a swage length of less than 1 inch.
- CID 149 – Improved placing part by opposite end when changing Inlet/Outlet option.
- Improved stability when using the Autodesk® Fabrication CADmep Object Enabler to open a drawing with
- CADmep objects in Autodesk® Navisworks software products.
- Improved stability when unloading the CADmep Object Enabler.
- The Service Abbreviation field (Abr) on the Edit Service Template dialog now supports the % symbol.
- Improved usability when loading the Database to prevent the toggle Units setting (Imperial or Metric).