2020.1.6 Update

2020.1.5 Update

  • General
    • Occasional crashes when using the IINSERT command to access a file through a shortcut in AutoCAD Raster Design 2020 with AutoCAD 2020 Update 1.4.
    • Occasional crashes when plotting to PDF file in some special drawings.

2020.1.4 Update

  • General
    • Occasional crashes when opening some drawings using the Select File dialog box.
    • Repathing a Microsoft Excel file retains the data link and the updated data.
    • Some dynamic blocks can be updated with the block property changes.
    • Double-clicking a DWG file from File Explorer launches AutoCAD when the SDI system variable is set to 1.
    • Draw order changes are kept correctly after saving or reopening the drawing.

2020.1.3 Update

  • General
    • Occasional crashes when expanding the Properties panel in the Hatch Creation or Hatch Editor ribbon contextual tabs.
    • Occasional crashes when copying and inserting certain tables in some specific drawings.
    • Occasional crashes in auto-saving the drawing after quitting the block-editing mode.
    • AutoLISP command which uses the BREAK command now works correctly when specifying the First Point option.
    • In the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2020 toolset, improved plotting performance when plotting some drawings from the sheet sets.
    • Improved performance in the layer drop-down list when selecting some objects in certain drawings.
    • Table formatting can now be maintained even if a data linked to a table is broken.
  • Plot and Publish
    • Watermarks can now be added to a PDF that was plotted in AutoCAD 2020 using Adobe Acrobat.
    • The file size of a PDF that was plotted in AutoCAD 2020 can now be reduced using Adobe Acrobat.
    • A PDF that was plotted in AutoCAD 2020 can be edited successfully in Adobe Acrobat.
    • Certain drawings with transparency hatch are now plotted successfully.
    • Drawings with transparency can now be correctly plotted in custom paper sizes.
    • Full-sized and scaled 1:1 drawings now display correct plot preview and plot results.
    • The shade plot value of the shaded viewport can now be kept in the drawings.
  • Text and Multi-Text
    • The Japanese text now displays the correct font on non-Japanese operating systems.

2020.1.2 Update

  • Blocks
    • Occasional crashes when inserting certain blocks from the Blocks palette.
    • Occasional crashes when exploding a block that fills the drawing area.
    • In the AutoCAD Mechanical 2020 toolset, occasional crashes when adding blocks to the tool palette and then saving the drawing.
    • Blocks that include multiple text objects using TrueType fonts now display correctly when scaled.
    • Multileader blocks can be edited successfully when saving a drawing with multiple layouts as a DXF file.
  • Display
    • Nested blocks with layer colors set to the Byblock layer now display the correct colors.
  • Plot and Publish
    • Occasional crashes when publishing or plotting certain drawings to PDF files.
    • Certain drawings with xrefs can now be published successfully.
    • Frozen layers in model space now do not affect the drawing extents when plotting and displaying previews.
  • General
    • Occasional crashes when zooming within drawings that include attached PDF files.
    • In the AutoCAD Mechanical 2020 toolset, occasional crashes when creating chain dimensions off vertical dimensions.
    • The English-Korean keyboard toggle now works correctly.
    • Palette title bar icons now display correctly with all language packs.
    • WMF files can be exported when a drawing includes center lines.

2020.1.1 Update

  • Blocks
    • Occasional crashes when inserting certain blocks from the Blocks palette.
    • Occasional crashes when exploding a block that fills the drawing area.
    • In the AutoCAD Mechanical 2020 toolset, occasional crashes when adding blocks to the tool palette and then saving the drawing.
  • Plot and print PDF
    • Occasional crashes when publishing or plotting certain drawings to PDF files.
  • General
    • Occasional crashes when zooming within drawings that include attached PDF files.
    • In the AutoCAD Mechanical 2020 toolset, occasional crashes when creating chain dimensions off vertical dimensions.

2020.1 Update

  • Blocks
    • Occasional crashes when using the BLOCKNAVIGATE system variable to specify paths and file names for blocks and drawings.
    • Occasional crashes when inserting DXF files from the Blocks palette.
    • Occasional crashes when using WBLOCK and selecting a field in some drawings.
    • Occasional crashes when launching AutoCAD if the Blocks palette displays a corrupted drawing in the Other Drawing tab.
  • Plot and print PDF
    • Occasional crashes when plotting to a PDF file when an included font name is more than 31 characters long.
  • General
    • Occasional crashes when changing the visual style in the Model Documentation mode.
    • Occasional crashes when grip editing multiple objects.
    • Occasional crashes when opening drawings that contain corrupted linetypes.
    • Occasional crashes when opening certain drawings and then switching from model to a paper space layout.
    • Occasional crashes when opening DXF files that do not include any layouts.
    • Occasional crashes when with the SHAREVIEW command for drawings containing zero-length objects.
    • Occasional crashes when switching to different layouts in drawings that contain geographic location information.
    • The results might be incorrect when using PASTESPEC to insert a table.
    • Changes to the Default Scale List in the Options dialog box, User Preferences tab, aren’t retained.
  • Dimension
    • A preview might not display in the Dimension Style dialog box for the Annotative dimension style.
  • Display
    • The objects might not display after editing a block and switching from paper space to model space.
  • Performance
    • Opening some drawings takes longer than in previous versions.
    • Plotting some drawings to PDF is slower than expected.
  • Quick Measure
    • Quick Measure does not support rotated UCS orientations even when the XY plane of the UCS is parallel to the XY plane of the WCS.
    • Quick Measure doesn’t work on some AutoCAD Mechanical custom objects.
    • Quick Measure results are partly hidden if the current layer is turned off.
  • Share View
    • With the SHAREVIEW command, drawings can be clipped incorrectly on the right side.
  • Underlays
    • External references cannot be detached when inserted multiple times.
    • PDF and DWF files might not display in the block editor.